Our gates open at 8.30am and children go directly to their classroom. Early work is set by class teachers, for children to carry out as they enter the classroom. We encourage all children to aim to be in school by 8.40am. Registration is at 8.50am. Reception children have their own entrance and doors also open at 8.30am
Reception        Morning sessions       8.50am – 11.30am. (gates open at 8.40am)
Afternoon sessions    12.30pm - 3.20pm.
KS1               Morning sessions       8.50am – 11.30pm (gates open at 8.30am)
Afternoon sessions    12.30pm – 3.20pm
KS2               Morning session        8.50am - 12.30pm (gates open at 8.30am)
Afternoon session      1.30pm - 3.20pm
We operate a breakfast/activities club before school, where children are welcome from 7.30am. We charge £1.50 per day and there is a wide range of breakfast foods, e.g. juices, cereals, toast, jams, marmalade and other spreads.  Activities are provided in the school hall when the children have finished eating.
Please ensure that your child does not arrive at school too early. There is no supervision of children before 8.30am outside the gates, so for their own safety it is best not to arrive before this time.
For reasons of security, the outside doors/gates are locked at the start of the day – 8.50am. Anyone arriving after this time must go to the Main Entrance and notify the school office staff of their arrival, so that the register can be amended and lunch arrangements confirmed.
Monday          Whole School             Celebration assembly
Tuesday           Whole School       Ethos assembly
Wednesday    Whole School       In-class assembly
Thursday        Whole School       Singing assembly
Friday             Individual Classes      Learning Forum
Playtime is between 10.15am – 10.30am Year 1-4 and 11.15am - 11.30am for Years 5 and 6. Organised activities also take place during break.