We ask that children and parents do not walk through the staff car park but always enter the site via the gate next to the bike shed and always keep to the pavement.  The staff car park gates are closed during the school day.

At the end of the day classes line up on their class number, which is painted on the playground.  The teacher stands at the front of the line, so they can see who they are releasing to.  Parents are asked not to cross the painted red line on the playground, so that staff can see who they are releasing children to.  If parents wish to speak to the teacher, we ask that they wait until all children are dismissed.

As part of the admission process parents will have informed the school who is responsible for collecting their child. We ask that any changes are put in writing to the office. Parents should not make ad hoc arrangements with individual teachers. If a member of staff is unsure about who they are releasing to they will direct the adult to the office so that verification can be sought.

A list of children in Year 5/6 who can walk home alone is produced half termly.  Parents must complete the necessary paperwork before children can walk home alone.

Foundation Collection Arrangements

Foundation pupils are dropped off and collected from the EYFS entrance to the school at 8.50am and 3.20pm.

KS1 Collection Arrangements

At 3.15pm KS1 classes get ready to go home so they are on the playground ready to be collected at 3.20pm. Pupils will collect their lunch boxes as they walk to the playground. Pupils are individually dismissed but only when their parent/ carer is present and visible to the adult dismissing. Pupils must wait in line until their teacher dismisses them personally.

KS2 Collection Arrangements

At 3.15pm the class will get ready to go home so they are on the playground ready to be collected at 3.20pm. They are then walked out onto the playground, via the outside route to collect lunch boxes, from the trolleys. Pupils are individually dismissed but only when their parent/ carer is present and visible to the adult dismissing. Pupils must wait in line until their teacher dismisses them personally.

Only Pupils in Year 5/6 are allowed to walk home alone and only if their parents have consented to this. Children in Year 3/4 are allowed to walk home with their sibling in Year 5/6 but again only if their parents have consented to this.