Speaking to the right person when you have a question or concern will ensure that you are dealt with as quickly as possible. At the start of the day, to ensure that teachers can start lessons promptly, parents have the opportunity to speak to a member of the Pastoral Support team, who are stationed on the main gate. They will record any issues and ensure these are passed to the appropriate person and if action is required, they will check it occurs.

At the end of the day all teachers are available on the playground for a brief chat. If parents require either a confidential chat or would like a longer meeting, they can make an appointment at the Office or with the teacher themselves. Parents must be mindful that staff are extremely busy and may not always be able to accommodate a request to meet immediately; it is hoped that non-urgent meetings will be scheduled within 24 hours. If you would like a longer chat, please do not hesitate to make an appointment and do not feel you have to wait until the next Parents' Evening.

If the issue is related to classroom activities then the class teacher should always be the first port of call. The opinions of parents and children are valued and taken into consideration when planning for the future. Annually an internal Parents' Questionnaire is undertaken and termly, a series of random Pupil Interviews are conducted. Suggestions can also be written and put into the post box in the reception area and parents are asked to use the Pupil Planner to record their thoughts and opinions. Governor meetings are scheduled throughout the year and two parent governors have been appointed to represent parents' views. Their role is not to champion individual cases at meetings, but to represent the view of the parent body.

Issue to be resolved Name of point of contact
EYFS and KS1 Issues and Concerns (This is the next level if the issues have not been resolved after speaking to the class teacher) Mr Williams- Morris
KS2 Issues and Concerns (This is the next level if the issues have not been resolved after speaking to the class teacher) Mrs Dunkley
Assessment Issues Mrs Dunkley
SATS (Yr 6 class teachers should have been consulted first) Mrs Trigg
Special Needs (including: referrals, observations, interviews and reports. IEPs and pupil progress) Mrs Trigg (SENCO)
English (Reading and Writing, Phonics, Spelling, Handwriting and Grammar) Ms Greenslade
Numeracy (Maths, mental arithmetic, times tables) Mrs Dunkley
Curriculum- Foundation Subjects Mrs Dunkley
Lunch time Pastoral Team
Pastoral Issues and Concerns (Friendship issues, family issues which may impact on learning or behaviour, Children Family Practices, Social Services, Child Protection, uniform) Pastoral Team
Attendance (Reasons for absence, attendance at Panel meetings, application of leave of absence due to exceptional circumstance, holiday requests are no longer a valid reason for a leave request) Office
Meal Orders and payment Office
Uniform orders Office
Trips (letters and payment) see Trip Leader for details of  the trip or issues relating to travel, venue, medication etc. Office
Complaints (procedures and policies have not been followed) Business Manager (who will make an appointment with the Headteacher)
Parent Governors

One vacancy currently- to apply please contact Mrs Hedges

Business Manager



  • Parents may arrange to visit the school at any time to see work in progress;
  • Parents can have a quick informal chat with the class teacher on the playground at the end of the day or make an appointment for a longer / private meeting either directly with them or via the office;
  • Meet a member of the Pastoral team on the main gate or in reception between 8.30 am - 8.50 am;
  • Parents' Evenings are scheduled each term and appointments are made through eSchools.


You will be kept informed of forthcoming events via the weekly newsletter, which comes out on a FRIDAY. These always contain important information so please make sure you check your eSchools account. Colour copies are available on our noticeboards and website under the News section: www.newchapterprimary.org.uk


We are able to send messages, information and alerts home to parents via a system called "eSchools". "eSchools" is an online platform, children and parents can access from home on a PC or via the eSchools app. You are able to see copies of letters sent out, the newsletter, your child's attendance record and their class page. You are also able to book your Parents' Evening appointments online. Your child will be issued with your log in name and password via their planner. Please log in via the following link newchapter.eschools.co.uk or download the eSchools app.


Each child has a planner, which we use for home school communication, recording reading and spellings.


In reception there is a post box which parents can use to drop off messages / suggestions / monies. These are collected by the Office. We ask that messages are put into an envelope with your child's name on and their class / year / teacher.